Skincare Guide to Beating Maskne
Are you experiencing more breakouts than usual around your lower face? This occurrence could be caused by mask acne, otherwise known as maskne.
Masks can trap moisture from breath, sweat, and oil, which can lead to a buildup of bacteria and clogged pores. This can result in facial blemishes, like pimples, redness, or irritation around the mouth, cheeks, and jawline. Here are some helpful tips to keep your face clean and stop maskne in its tracks.
Wash Your Face

This might seem a bit obvious, but frequently cleansing your face is the first step towards beating maskne. Shoot for washing your face two times a day with a gentle and high quality exfoliating or acne-targeting face wash. It’s best to wash your face immediately after wearing your mask for an extended period of time. If this is not possible, then use a facial cleansing wipe or micellar water to quickly sanitize your skin.

Creating a barrier between your skin and the moist air within your mask is another important protective measure. After cleansing your skin, apply a moisturizer or balm, like a petroleum jelly-based product, to create a barrier between your fresh skin and outside elements.
Skip Foundation
It’s no surprise that makeup products can further add to clogged pores. Try applying facial makeup from your nose up, giving your natural skin more room to breathe. Let’s be honest, no one will see foundation under your mask, anyways!
Mask Hygiene

It’s absolutely crucial to wear a clean mask. Most masks, like cotton or silk, should be cleaned between uses unless otherwise noted. To clean a cloth mask you can either wash it by hand with antibacterial soap or in the laundry with detergent. If you know you’ll be wearing a mask for more than a few hours, bring an extra clean mask to swap out. Also be sure to avoid touching your mask as much as possible to keep germs off of the fabric.
Treating Maskne
If you need to treat existing maskne, the first step is still washing your face twice a day, as mentioned above. Next, you need to select a spot treatment formula to apply directly to the breakout. Experts recommend searching for formulas that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, or sulfur. If your acne persists, try using multiple products with varying active ingredients. For example, you might use one type of treatment in the morning and a different one at night. As always, be sure to talk to a dermatologist before starting any skin treatments.
The last point to mention is that facial blemishes should not deter you from following important health and safety recommendations, like mask wearing. With just a few careful adjustments to your routine, you can beat maskne while keeping yourself and others safe.