Wellness / mental health
How to Deal with a Problematic Coworker
How to Boost Your Mental Health at Home
During this unique period of social distancing, it’s more important than ever to take care of your mental health. From exercise to fostering a pet, here are some helpful tips and tricks to boosting your mental health at home. Video Chat Talking with family and friends is important to stay connected and keep a good headspace. FaceTime is an obvious choice to video chat, but it’s not the only way to connect from a distance. Zoom is a different option that lets you see all your friends and family together at once, “Brady Bunch” style. The app called HouseParty...
5 Tips for Working from Home Effectively
It’s safe to say that things have been pretty crazy lately. Our thoughts are with anyone whose futures might seem uncertain at the moment, and we give our thanks to health professionals and those who work in the service industries that are keeping our communities running in the meantime. If you’re fortunate to have a job that can proceed from home in these tough times, we have a few tips and tricks to making the transition a little easier! 1.Maintain Your Usual Routine! Keeping to your typical routine is paramount in staying productive throughout the day. It’s best to wake up at...
5 Apps That Will Change Your Life | productivity, organisation, de-stressing
Somehow, we’re already almost two months into 2020—make the most of the rest of this year by letting these apps do the work for you and change your life for the better. Sleep Cycle Let’s start with an app we’ve alluded to in a previous article: Sleep Cycle helps to track and analyse your sleep quality and, in the morning, wakes you up at your lightest sleep (within half an hour of your set time). Yes, you might end up waking a little earlier than intended or necessary, but doing so at the right section of your sleep cycle...
How To Get Out Of A Rut In 3 Steps
Around December 26-28th some version of the following tweet starts popping up on our timelines; "Them awkward days between Christmas and New Year when you don't know what day it is, or what you're doing with your life". and honestly #Relatable. Although I didn't tweet it, it's referenced in my last two articles. There's a name for it in all different languages. Apparently in English it's referred to as "Crimbo Limbo", and to sum it up; no one knows how to act. Personally, this funk often lasts longer than a week, turning into a full...