No Bake Mini Strawberry Cheesecakes
This dessert took multiple tries and adjustments but in the end I got something incredible out of it! These no bake mini strawberry cheesecakes are deliciously well-balanced (sweet, creamy, tangy, zesty, slightly spicy, nutty) and are perfect for many dietary restrictions and or allergies (they are vegan, dairy-free, and gluten free). My only regret is the top lemon jelly layer looks a little lumpy, but that's because I let it solidify for too long (this step is the most complicated one). You can opt to skip the jelly and it will taste just as good!
3 medium dates, pitted
½ cup raw pecans
½ cup almond flour
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp salt
1. Add pecans, cinnamon, salt and coconut oil to blender. Sift in almond flour and tear up dates before adding.
2. Blend.
3. Pack the crust mixture into a muffin tin.
5 strawberries
1½ cup raw cashews
⅔ cup coconut cream
¼ cup lemon juice
2 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1. Blend together coconut cream, cashews, lemon juice, coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla extract.
2. Portion ⅔ of the mixture into the muffin tin for the first layer of cake. Set aside ⅓ of the mixture.
3. Place muffin tin in the freezer for 20 minutes.
4. Take the remaining ⅓ of the mixture and blend 5 strawberries into it.
5. Spoon the strawberry cake mixture for the second layer of cake in the muffin tin.
6. Freeze tin for 2 hours.
Strawberry Purée
1 cup large strawberries, chopped
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp chia seeds
30g sugar
1. Add strawberries and sugar to a saucepan, continuously stir as it softens.
2. Add lemon juice and chia seeds.
3. Stir until well combined and bubbling.
4. Take it off the heat and purée using an immersion blender.
5. Cool purée in an ice bath.
6. Add the cooled down purée over the top of the cake in the muffin tin.
Lemon Jelly Layer
Strawberries, as desired, for decoration
100g water
40 sugar
10g lemon juice
7g agar agar
1. Slice strawberries however you’d like for decoration.
2. Add agar to water in a saucepan and boil, stir until completely dissolved.
3. Add sugar and lemon juice, keep stirring. When ingredients are well combined, take it off the stove.
4. Cool in a water bath (not ice!) Keep an eye on the texture of this mixture as it can solidify very quickly.
5. Decorate the cakes as desired.
6. Add lemon-agar mixture over the top of your decorated cakes.
7. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.
All done!
Feel free to try this out with any fruit you like! I will continue to make this with whatever fruit is in season because I just love the way it tastes and it's the perfect portion size.