Comic Artists to Follow for a Pick-Me-Up
Over halfway through the year and 2020 is still just as chaotic as when it began (actually... perhaps even more so). We have a pick-me-up for when things are feeling heavy: Instagram comics! These artists capture relatable, funny little thoughts and moments that will bring a smile to your face, whether it marries humour with our strange, new reality, or in its display of sheer absurdity.
Marzi of Introvert Doodles creates comics that resonate with anyone who identifies as an introvert or has struggled with anxiety.
Nina Cosford's subjects are a beautiful, watercolour texture with rosy cheeks and when not capturing our inner thoughts of the bizarro world around us, she also brings to us illustrations of fashion... and the inevitable wardrobe malfunctions that come along with it.
Christine Rai is great at summing up the thoughts on all things cozy: from underwear, to attire, to baths. Her work is relatable, funny and educational.

Catana's comics offer a vignette into her life with her 'Bearded Fiancé', it's the perfect place to find adorable, heartwarming comics detailing the dynamics of a funny and loving relationship. She also shares tutorials on how she draws her comics as well as cute, free phone wallpapers on her stories!
Liz Climo shows us that just because her subjects are talking animals, doesn't mean they can't be relatable! She lets us into a world where video-chats are outing a lion's pandemic bangs, frilled lizards can be friends with rabbits, and a goat has mastered the art of encouraging its dejected turtle companion.
Jimmy Craig's comics are another peek into a world of both domesticated and wild animals... if they could talk. The dry humour that it employs is sure to get a chuckle out of you!