5 Amazing Health Benefits of Pumpkin
It turns out that pumpkin doesn’t just taste delicious, it has an array of health benefits that can help you feel and look good, too. Check out these five amazing pumpkin health benefits.
Eye Health

Your eyes will thank you for all of the pumpkin you eat this fall. The rich red-orange color of pumpkins is the result of their high beta-carotene content, an antioxidant that converts into Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A helps with cornea protection, retina function, and low-light and color vision. In fact, pumpkins contain over 200 percent of the usually recommended daily dose of Vitamin A. On top of that, pumpkin contains Vitamin C, which can reduce the risk of macular degeneration.
Glowing Skin

The same compound that is responsible for giving pumpkins their glowy hue can also provide you a glow of your own. Beta-carotene can improve the texture of skin and can even reverse ultraviolet damage, a type of harmful electromagnetic radiation that comes from the sun. Vitamins B and C found in pumpkins also help to promote the production of collagen, which can prevent wrinkles and enable skin to be stronger, more elastic, and hydrated.

Pumpkin can help your locks grow longer and healthier thanks to folate, potassium, and zinc. Folate is a key component in keeping red blood cells circulating properly and potassium supports the growth of cells, and thus both play an important role in stimulating hair growth. Zinc helps with hair tissue growth, repair, and hair oil gland function - all important parts of a healthy mane.
Immunity Boost
The fruit’s beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E can help strengthen the body’s immune system. As mentioned, beta-carotene turns into Vitamin A, an “anti inflammation” vitamin that can help with immunity and healing from infections. Vitamin C has been shown to increase white blood cell production, help the body heal faster, and improve the effectiveness of immune cells. Vitamin E helps with many immunity boosting functions, including widening the blood vessels and preventing blood clots.
Lowers Risk of Cancer
Pumpkin is high in antioxidants, which can help protect the body from potentially cancer causing free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons that cause harm by stealing electrons away from other cells. Pumpkin is especially high in the antioxidant called carotenoid, which may be connected to reducing certain cancer advancements.
It’s truly amazing that a fruit can have so many healthful attributes, from glowing skin to immunity. The next time you chow down on pumpkin pie or slurp creamy pumpkin soup, consider the incredible gifts you are providing your body, from the inside out.