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Fluffy Soufflé Omelette

  Ingredients 3 eggs 1 tbsp butter   Prep time: 5 mins    |    Cook time: 5 mins    |    Total time: 10 mins   Recipe 1. Separate 3 egg whites and 3 egg yolks 2. Beat egg yolks and egg whites separately, whisking the egg whites until  very thick stiff peaks form 3. Gently fold whisked egg yolk into egg white 4. Heat pan over medium/low heat 5. Coat pan with butter 6. Pour egg mixture into pan 7. Cover and cook for 5 mins 8. Season with salt and pepper to taste 9. Slide the omelette onto a plate and...

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Kimchi Fried Rice

Kimchi Fried Rice is my recent go-to comfort meal for many reasons. Firstly, it's easy and quick to make. Secondly, I've been watching a lot of K-Dramas on Netflix, so I've been craving it. It's also a great way to use leftover rice and kimchi is a delicious nutritious food (a glorious fermented one!). This recipe is a combination of Mangchii's recipe on youtube, as well as other videos I've watched/blogs I've read, with the addition of some of my own preferences. Feel free to add whatever toppings you like (veggies/meat/tofu) and omit anything you don't like. To make this vegan...

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TikTok Food Trends Worth Trying

Confession time. I’ll be browsing TikTok and next thing I know, two hours have flown by. If you’ve also fallen down the TikTok rabbit hole, you know that it is a goldmine of content, whether it be dances or funny videos. But I think one of the best things to come out of TikTok are the innovative takes on food. In this blog, we round up some of the best TikTok food trends we think could actually be worth the hype. Starbucks TikTok Drink @.kono You wanna make the tiktok drink? I gotchu ##foryou ##featureme ##foryoupage ##starbucks ♬ original sound...

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Mooove Over Milk: Comparing Milk Alternatives

You probably have noticed new “milks” popping up at your local grocery store and coffee shop. It’s true, there’s been a huge trend to steer clear of dairy, and with it has come the invention and popularity of milks created from a variety of nuts, seeds, and grains.   Why The Switch? Over the past few years we’ve seen a dairy-free philosophy emerge. Not only has there been an increase in dietary tests and food programs that recommend avoiding dairy altogether, like veganism and keto, but people are also growing increasingly aware of the social and ethical implications of the...

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Snacks to Try This Lunar New Year

As much as American-Chinese restaurants, stereotypes and Hollywood perpetuation might have you believe, fortune cookies aren’t a Chinese staple at all.  With Lunar New Year approaching, let’s take a look at some of our favourite snacks that do greet guests in every household at this time of year!    1. DANISH BUTTER COOKIES Most Hong Kong children know the feeling of rummaging through their grandma’s cabinets, seeing a cookie tin and clawing it open just to find a sewing kit inside.  There’s a reason every grandma has one of these tins: Danish butter cookies (“blue-tin cookies” as they’re affectionately called...

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This foodie’s top 5 go-to restaurants for the best bites in Hong Kong

Say no to hangry-ness, say yes to some of our favourite eateries in the city.   Full disclosure: I don’t believe in food reviews. Everyone calls themselves a foodie these days, but you can find glowing praise for a restaurant, and then read a nasty tear down of how terrible the service was in a review right below it. People have different tastes in food, just like how I like a little bit of milk and sugar in my coffee, but Tay likes hers with oat milk.    I claim to be a foodie - but I don’t claim to...

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5 Light & Healthy Dinner Ideas

When I like something I always add it into my usual rotation and eat it again and again. One of the reasons I wanted to make this website was to share healthy delicious recipes via text and photos. That's because that's how I learn best. I never like going back to a video to have to rewatch it again, just to find a small part I forgot, I'd rather have everything clearly laid out. So that's what I'm doing (I will still make the occasional video though for those who learn best with that!). Here are my recent 5 favourite healthy...

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6 Vegan Restaurants You Need To Try in Hong Kong

There's many reasons to include more vegan meals in your diet; animal rights, health benefits (if well planned- it's rich in nutrients and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases), sustainability (Animal agriculture is responsible for more than 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90% of the deforestation in the Amazon), help with world hunger (the food and water we give to livestock could feed 10 billion people), or taste.  You don't need to go fully Vegan, but even eating plant-based just one day a week (3 meals) will save about 225 sq.ft. of land, 120 gallons of water,...

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